Code of conduct

The Forrest Group

The Forrest Group consists of several companies directly or indirectly owned by the Forrest family. The Group’s companies are active in the fields of construction, energy, mining services, trading, but also in agro-food and financial.

The Group has been present in Central Africa for more than 90 years. Having retained his family structure since its creation in 1922, it combines stable shareholding with expertise and industrial dynamism unique in the region.

The Forrest Group employs more than 6,000 people.

Group companies are based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Belgium. The activities of the latter go beyond the borders of which they are implanted. In the DRC, the Group is a private investor and an employer of first importance but also a significant taxpayer for the Congolese state.

Through two foundations, the Forrest Group supports projects that benefit, in particular, local populations in areas such as education, health, culture, amateur sport and professional, infrastructure, etc.

The Forrest Group is particularly aware of environmental issues. Its activities and investments are designed to minimize their impact on the environment. On the other hand, the group supports several environmental projects.

For better readability, this document uses the generic masculine to designate people of both sexes.

About the code of conduct

The Forrest Group is committed to conducting business ethically, respectful, responsible, safe and sustainable. This Code of Conduct reflects these commitments.

This Code of Conduct provides an overview of the values, standards and principles that we apply and we ask all our staff (managers, executives, employees, workers) and our professional partners to apply. It reflects the desire of the Forrest Group to pursue responsible and sustainable development and draws heavily on the Guiding Principles the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights but also the ILO Declaration on Principles Fundamentals and Rights at Work.

The standards and principles detailed in this Code of Conduct form the basis of acceptance or the carrying out of any professional activity by the Group.

Non-compliance with these values, standards and principles by a staff member or third party will significantly affect its relations with the Group.

The Forrest Group is therefore not inclined to hire or retain employees who do not adhere to this Code of Conduct or to maintain professional relations with third parties who do not adopt similar values, principles and standards.

The values, norms and principles highlighted in this Code of Conduct are applied through policies and procedures to guide and assist our staff in meeting those needs.

Various professional situations. Policies and procedures specifically address

values, standards and principles as they may be in different situations professional. They remain however only a guide as it is impossible to anticipate all situations that staff may face. The spirit and intent behind each value, norm and principle are therefore just as important as the text itself. Our staff is invited to be shrewd in this regard.

Any Forrest Group affiliate adheres to this Code of Conduct.

Our staff

We ask each member of our staff to adhere to this Code of Conduct by signing and thereby confirming that he / she has read it and understands the values, norms and principles it encompasses.

Employees are free to ask questions and explanations are also provided if they ask They are invited to read and understand the policies applicable to their position at within the company, in particular, in the “Employee Manual”. Their superior can advise them but also provide for training that will be provided by him or the department Compliance.

Any staff member with managerial responsibilities receives training on policies. Each director is evaluated on how he / she complies with the values, standards and principles of our Code of Conduct and apply them (pro) actively.

Directors report regularly on how staff observes this Code of Conduct and they are invited to submit their suggestions in order to complete the policies with (new) professional situations and thus increase the relevance of said policies..

Our professional partners

We expect our professional partners to apply equivalent standards and principles to those in this Code of Conduct. If the professional partner does not own / have has not published its own Code of Conduct, we invite it to adhere to ours and to commit to respect.

The Code of Conduct is available on our website.

Laws and regulations

The Forrest Group complies with laws and regulations. In some cases, there may be requirements conflicts between this Code of Conduct and laws and regulations.

The Forrest Group will then attempt to enforce the strictest requirement without violating any law or regulation.

Our principales in security

In addition to local laws and regulations, the United Nations and the International Labor Organization Work consider a safe and healthy work environment as a fundamental right to be human.

  1. The Forrest Group provides a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors.
  2. The Forrest Group makes every effort to identify risks and dangers. After having identified, the Group takes appropriate measures to eliminate them. If it is not possible, it puts in place appropriate alternatives to mitigate them.
  3. The Forrest Group provides medical service or supervision to all members of its staff.
  4. Safety remains the priority in all circumstances.
  5. Consumption of alcohol, drugs or other inebriating substances is strictly prohibited
  6. during working hours. The Group also discourages the abuse or misuse of these
  7. substances outside working hours.

Our principles in respect of respect  

  1. The Forrest Group respects the environment and is committed to limiting the footprint of its activities on this one.
  2. The Forrest Group respects the local communities in which it operates and encourages them to economic and social development.
  3. The Forrest Group respects and defends human rights; In this respect, he puts all to apply the UN Framework of Reference “Protect, Respect and Repair”.
  4. The Forrest Group respects every person
    1. The Forrest Group treats all members of its staff equally and makes no distinction on the basis of sex, nationality, religion, ethnic group or social origin, political or sexual orientation, disability, etc. The qualities and the qualifications are the only acceptable criteria for distinguishing between employees of the Forrest Group.
    2. The Forrest Group does not tolerate any form of violence, be it verbal or physical, or no form of harassment.
    3. The Forrest Group protects and ensures the confidentiality of any information concerning its employees.
    4. The Forrest Group prohibits child labor or forced labor.
    5. The Forrest Group recognizes the right of its employees to freely associate and participate in collective bargaining.

Our principles of ethics  

  1. The Forrest Group rejects all forms of corruption, fraud or any other form of anticompetitive.
  2. The Forrest Group pays its taxes in a timely manner.
  3. The Forrest Group does not engage in or maintain professional relationships with persons or institutions named in international sanctions lists and complies with any commercial restrictions imposed by the competent authorities or bodies (such as United Nations).
  4. The Group applies all legal and international requirements in order not to be involved in any form of money laundering.
  5. Staff members are required to declare any conflict of interest, potential or existing. In such a situation, it is the best interests of the Group that will prevail.
  6. Staff members are required to scrupulously respect confidentiality and the nature exclusive of any intellectual and industrial information belonging to the Group. It’s theirs prohibited from revealing confidential information, whether orally, in writing or by electronic.
  7. Staff members may only use the resources of the Group for professionals and they are required to take care of the property made available to them for of their work. Personal use of IT resources to a reasonable extent is however tolerated.
  8. Staff members are required to report any unethical behavior of which they are would be witness to their director, the Human Resources Department, the Group CEO or compliance committee.


Download here our Code of Conduct.