10,000 books for schoolchildren


La Fondation Rachel Forrest a fait don de milliers de livres dans les écoles de RDCMr George A. Forrest has donated more than 10,000 books to the pupils of several schools of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These high-quality books all come from the Forrest Library.  They have been selected for their positive content and the values of tolerance and respect that they convey.

Symbolic distribution to the Governorate

The kick-off of this operation took place on Monday, 18 March 2019 by the symbolic handover, on behalf of Mr George A. Forrest, of a set of books to Ms Stella Ilunga Tshingwel, Minister of Education, Scientific Research and New Citizenship.  The Minister expressed her appreciation of the initiative and highlighted the positive influence of reading in learning and education. She then thanked Mr. Forrest for his generosity as well as for all his social actions.

On the invitation of Ms Nathalie Djumah, coordinator of the Rachel Forrest Foundation, the Minister confirmed her presence during distribution of the books in some Lubumbashi schools.


Distribution in the schools of Grand Katanga

The books are being donated to schools, institutions, training centres and universities.  The distribution started in the Kiwele and Tshondo high schools of Lubumbashi, in the presence of the Minister of Education, Scientific Research and New Citizenship. The distribution then continued in Kipushi, Kapolowe, Fungurume, Likasi, Kolwezi, Lumata and several schools of Lubumbashi, including the Hodari high school and the Tangu Hapo school. 

Each distribution was very warmly welcomed by the pupils and their teachers. The books are intended to be made available to the young people to be read on the spot. They can also be used as a teaching aid by the teachers


Rachel Forrest Foundation and George A. Forrest Foundation joint operation

All the books given have been paid for or published by the Forrest Group, the Rachel Forrest Foundation or the George Forrest Foundation. They deal with a variety of subjects which include rights of the child, peace, art, African culture, animals, flora and fauna, the DRC, etc. 

The charters of the Rachel Forrest Foundation and that of the George A. Forrest Foundation both include the promotion of education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This operation, on an unprecedented scale, is fully in line with the actions carried out by the Foundations.  

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